Total de cinco questões com gabarito sobre interpretação de texto e gramática.
An American playboy faces charges over the deaths of two English tourists in a hit-and-run crash, a lawyer has said.
Kenneth Watkinson, 48, of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, and Craig Elford, 39, from Ratley in Oxfordshire, were killed on 13 February last year.
They were struck when walking to their hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
It is reported jewellery heir Ryan LeVin, 35, has been charged with vehicular homicide and fleeing the scene of a death.
‘Worst loss imaginable’
Jonathan Pavsner, who represents Mr Watkinson’s widow Kirsty and their three children, said the local state attorney’s office had charged Mr LeVin.
He said of Mr Watkinson: “He was a husband and a father of three and they are suffering the worst loss imaginable.”
Ryan LeVin is the son of Shirley and Arthur LeVin, founders of Jewels by Park Lane.
It is alleged a white Porsche GT2, owned by Mr LeVin, mounted the kerb and hit the two Britons before speeding off.
Each of the vehicular homicide charges carry a maximum 15 years in prison.
The families of the two victims are also suing Mr LeVin for compensation.
(Texto retirado e adaptado de
- De acordo com o texto, marque V para as frases verdadeiras e F para as falsas.
00 – Um playboy americano é acusado por atirar em dois turistas.
11 – Uma coelhinha da playboy se envolveu em um acidente de carro.
22 – Uma coelhinha da playboy dirigia um carro roubado e matou dois turistas.
33 – Um playboy americano atropelou dois turistas e fugiu.
44 – O playboy, Ryan LeVin, era herdeiro de uma joalheria.
- De acordo com o texto, marque V para as frases verdadeiras e F para as falsas.
00 – Um homicídio veicular pode levar a pessoa a até 15 anos de prisão.
11 – Kenneth Watkinson está sendo processado.
22 – Kenneth Watkinson foi uma das vítimas. Ele tinha uma esposa e três filhos.
33 – O playboy atropelou o herdeiro de uma joalheria.
44 – O acidente aconteceu em 16 de março de 2010.
- De acordo com seus conhecimentos gramaticais, marque V para as frases afirmativas verdadeira e F para as falsas:
00 – A frase “they are suffering the worst loss imaginable” está gramaticalmente correta, uma vez que worst é a forma superlativa do adjetivo good.
11 – “Ryan LeVin, 35, has been charged with vehicular homicide” A frase está gramaticalmente correta, pois está no Present Perfect, referindo-se a uma ação que começou no passado e continua até o presente.
22 – “An American playboy faces charges over the deaths of two English tourists in a hit-and-run crash, a lawyer has said.” O tempo verbal sublinhado na frase é o Present Perfect, porém está mal empregado, uma vez que o correto seria have e não has.
33 – “…a white Porsche GT2, owned by Mr LeVin, mounted the kerb and hit the two Britons before speeding off.” O verbo sublinhado está conjugado no Simple Past.
44 – “…a white Porsche GT2, owned by Mr LeVin, mounted the kerb and hit the two Britons before speeding off.” O verbo sublinhado está conjugado no Simple Past.
- Marque V para as frases que estejam gramaticalmente corretas e F para as que não estejam:
00 – A Porsche is bigger than a New Beetle.
11 – Driving is most dangerous than walking.
22 – Losing a friend is the most terrible thing in the world.
33 – Kenneth was oldest than Craig.
44 – Craig was younger than Kenneth.
- Marque V para as frases que estejam gramaticalmente corretas e F para as que não estejam:
00 – The playboy killed the tourists last year.
11 – Living with the loss has been difficult for the family.
22 – The text was written tomorrow.
33 – The playboy has been charged with homicide last year.
44 – Ryan LeVin, 35, has been charged with vehicular homicide.
- 1 – FFFVV
- 2 – VFVFF
- 3 – FVFVV
- 4 – VFVFV
- 5 – VVFFV