Pronome II

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Cinqüenta questões de múltiplas escolhas.

01. “My sister wanted ________ to go the movies with her last night.”
a) I
b) mine
c) me
d) itself
e) n.d.r

02. A big ship was seen. ________ was moving stately northwards.
a) He
b) Its
c) She
d) I
e) We

03. “________ is raining hard”.
a) It
b) She
c) He
d) We
e) You

04. (UNESP) I know he’ll tell ________ a different story.
a) they
b) his
c) your
d) we
e) us

05. “She always speaks to ________ in Spanish”.
a) myself
b) me
c) I
d) his
e) here

06. (Cesesp) “I was going to send them a letter but ________ changed my mind”.
a) me
b) we
c) I
d) them
e) him

07. (Cesesp) “Did you read this bock?”
“ Yes, but it was difficult ________ to understand”.

a) for hers
b) for they
c) for your
d) for me
e) for yourself

08. The scientists did not keep the results of their experiments with ________
a) they
b) their
c) them
d) his
e) hers

09. If you have any of the above symptoms call the doctor and tell ________ what you feel.
a) he
b) hers
c) his
d) him
e) them

10. (Fuvest – adapt.) John and Mary are asking for some juice.
May I take ________ to ________?

a) he – they
b) it – them
c) she – them
d) him – us
e) it – they

11. ________ work in the field of medicine.
a) They
b) He
c) She
d) It
e) Them

12. We have to trust ________.
a) they
b) them
c) his
d) hers
e) its

13. The king asked if ________ was a great king.
a) he
b) him
c) his
d) them
e) their

14. (Cescea-SP) If you meet Peter and Greta at the party, please give ________ my regards.
a) hers
b) me
c) they
d) them
e) us

15. (PUC-SP) Mary did not see the banana skin and slipped on ________.
a) she
b) it
c) its
d) her
e) hers

16. (Londrina-PR) He told us a lie but he would rather die than admit ________.
a) its
b) him
c) it
d) her
e) himself

17. I’d like to drink Guaraná. Could you give ________ one?
a) we
b) me
c) our
d) us
e) them

18. (Cesesp) “That old gentleman needs ________ to help ________”.
a) somebody – him
b) anybody – he
c) everyone – he
d) anyone – he
e) she – him

19. (Cesesp) –– “Nobody likes Janet”.
___ “What caused ________ disliked by her classmates?”

a) she be
b) her
c) she to be
d) her to be
e) him to be

20. (Cesed) Tom: –– “Have you seen Peter and Charles, lately?”
Jane: –– “No in England, they used to study with ________.
Now that we are in Brazil they haven’t shown up”.

a) he
b) we
c) us
d) it
e) they

21. (F. Carlos Chagas) The girls are sleeping. Don’t call ________. They are tired.
a) their
b) they
c) theirs
d) them
e) themselves

22. Last Sunday ________ went to the football game.
a) him and I
b) he and I
c) I and him
d) he and me
e) him and me

23. She lives near ________ in the old house.
a) he
b) us
c) she
d) I
e) hers

24. ________ always helps ________ with my homework.
a) She – I
b) He – we
c) He – me
d) They – I
e) We – them

25. “Children have to be immunized; you have to immunize ________.”
a) he
b) her
c) your
d) us
e) them

26. (Cesesp) My sister and I told my little brother a story.
a) We told him a story.
b) Our told him a story.
c) They told him a story.
d) Mine told me a story
e) Ours told me a story.

27. Peter and Paul love Mary but ________ doesn’t love ________ because she’s with Joseph.
a) She, him
b) she, them
c) they, her
d) them, she
e) she they

28. (Fesp) “Where’s your sister Mary? I want to talk to ________ immediately”.
a) her
b) hers
c) herself
d) them
e) us

29. –– Charles and I need to talk to you about the project. Could you meet ________ around four o’clock? –– Sure.
a) me
b) him
c) it
d) Them
e) us

30. (Covest)
Sally: Why has Internet boomed so dramatically?
David: Part of the answer is fashion. Technology for young people today is new, it is exciting and it is the difference between ________ and the older generation.
a) it
b) them
c) they
d) she
e) her

31. (Cesesp) They say that vampires cannot see ________ in mirror. This one can’t see ________ at all”.
a) themselves – himself
b) himself – themselves
c) their – own
d) itself – himself
e) ourselves – itself

32. (Cesesp) “The student ________ wrote a letter to the teacher explaining why she did take the test”.
a) myself
b) itself
c) herself
d) themselves
e) himself

33. (Cesesp)
Janet: –– “My teacher said that this is a very good composition. He didn’t believe that did it all by ________”.
Fred: –– “Really”.

a) yourself
b) myself
c) ourselves
d) himself
e) itself

34. (Cesesp)
Tom: –– Did you friend buy ________ a new hat?”
Jane: –– “Yes, ,she did”.

a) herself
b) himself
c) itself
d) ourselves
e) themselves

35. (Cesesp) Our company’s new automatic machines can adjust ________ to a variety of pressures and temperatures.
a) myself
b) herself
c) itself
d) ourselves
e) themselves

36. (Objetivo-SP) Assinale a alternativa que completaria com um pronome reflexivo adequado a seguinte frase: “ People should try to see ________________ as others see them.”
a) himself
b) themselves
c) herself
d) yourselves
e) ourselves

37. (Osec-SP) I fell and cut ________ with a knife the other day. Peter’s father advised ________ to go and see a doctor.
He ________ took me to the hospital.;
I had my arm X rayed and a penicillin injection.

a) me, me, himself
b) myself, him, himself
c) myself, me, himself
d) me, me, myself
e) him, me him

38. (Covest) Computers and networks isolate us from ________.
a) each other
b) ourselves
c) one another
d) themselves
e) herself

39. (Santa Casa-SP) “Why don’t they enjoy ________ instead of watching that dull TV programme?
a) yourself
b) ourselves
c) yourselves
d) themselves
e) himself

40. (Fesp) We are going to answer the test by ________.
a) ourselves
b) itself
c) we are selves
d) ourself
e) we are self

41. (ITA-SP) She knew ________ better than he knew ________.
a) himself, him
b) himself, himself
c) him, himself
d) he, himself
e) n.d.r.

42. (F. C. Chagas-BA) Those old people cannot carry the suitcases ________.
a) himself
b) herself
c) yourself
d) yourselves
e) themselves

43. (S.Casa-SP) In some clinics alcoholics have to look after ________.
a) himself
b) herself
c) yourseves
d) ourselves
e) themselves

44. “Helen and I shouldn’t really blame ________ for the mistake”.
a) herself
b) ourselves
c) myself
d) ourself
e) himself

45. “As Frank ________ could not o to the movies, he gave ________ ticket to Mary”.
a) himself, hers
b) would, his
c) herself,her
d) himself, his
e) itself,its

46. You ________ cannot be sure of the number of cativities.
a) himself
b) herself
c) themselves
d) myself
e) yourself

47. It was the widow ________ who told ________ not to go there.
a) herself / our
b) itself / me
c) itself / him
d) myself / me
e) herself / me

48. We should know about ________
a) themselves
b) yourself
c) himself
d) herself
e) ourselves

49. Helen ________ wanted to communicate with other people.
a) myself
b) herself
c) yourself
d) themselves
e) itself

50. The Indians found ________ fighting in a war that was not theirs.
a) himself
b) itself
c) yourself
d) yourselves
e) themselves


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