Pronome I

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Treze questões de múltipla escolha e Verdadeiro ou Falso.

01. (Osec-SP) I fell and cut ________ with knife the other day. Peter’s father advised ________ to go and see a doctor.
He ________ took me to the hospital.
I had my arm X rayed and a penicillin injection.

a) me, me, himself
b) myself, him, himself
c) myself, me, himself
d) me, me, myself
e) him, me him

02. (Fesp) We are going to answer the test by ________.
a) yourself
b) itself
c) himself
d) yourself
e) themselves

03. (F. C. Chagas-BA) Those old people cannot carry the suitcases ________.
a) himself
b) herself
c) yourself
d) yourselves
e) themselves

04. You ________ cannot be sure of the number of cativities.
a) himself
b) herself
c) themselves
d) myself
e) yourself

05. The Indians found ________ fighting in a war that was not theirs.
a) himself
b) itself
c) yourself
d) yourselves
e) themselves

06. (Cesesp) “The boy ________ father is a teacher here, was killed in the accident”.
a) whose
b) which
c) whom
d) who
e) that

07. (Cesesp) “Will you please ask the gentleman at the door ________ he wants to talk to?”
a) where
b) that
c) what
d) whose
e) whom

08. (Mackenzie-SP) People ________ live near an active volcano ________ may erupt at any moment, know that everything ________ may erupt at any moment, know that everything ________ they own may be destroyed. Those who came to watch the eruption of Mount Etna in 1971 may have wondered why the farmers, ________ house were in danger, remained in the land.

a) whose, who, that, which
b) who, whom, which, whose
c) who, which, that, whose
d) that, where, whose, which
e) who, whem, that, whom

09. (Fuvest-SP)
–– He wrote several books, only one of________ had any merit.
–– The old man ________ lives next door has just died.

a) whom, who
b) which, who
c) which, whose
d) which, whom
e) whose, who

10. (F.Chagas) The house in ________ Dr. Palmer lives has just been white washed.
a) what
b) which
c) that
d) whose
e) such

11. (UNICAP) Whose book is this?
It’s _______________. Assinale as afirmativas verdadeiras e as afirmativas falsas.

00) John’s
11) my mothers’
22) my
33) your
44) ours

12. (UFPE) Observe com atenção o trecho da famosa canção da dupla Paul Simon e Art Garfunkel: “Bridge over troubled water”. Para preencher os espaços, assinale as afirmativas verdadeiras e as afirmativas falsas.
“When tears are in your eyes I’ll dry ______________ all”

00) it
11) them
22) their
33) its
44) they

13. (UNICAP)
Is this your cousin’s chair?
No, it isn’t …………………… .
Assinale as afirmativas verdadeiras e as afirmativas falsas:

00) his
11) hers
22) yours
33) theirs
44) their



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